申请费:75美元. 学费:每学分1196美元(审计每学分598美元).
The dual degree 项目 offered at 电子游戏软件 are academically rigorous, 但对于一个对两个电子游戏正规平台领域都非常感兴趣的学生来说,这是可行的. The dual degree 项目 are a bit longer than the 项目 offered at the CSTM, 结果是三年的连续学习(如果你独立完成两个学位,他们需要四年的时间), 但是有多个支持网络可以帮助指导你完成整个过程和课程要求.
Yes! 许多CSTM学生参与了电子游戏软件的本科事工. 校园事工经常寻找凯洛修会的主任, 学生的精神伴侣, 以及基督徒生活团体的领袖. 与这些项目合作,使我们的学生有机会发展他们的牧师身份,并在田园环境中与学生保持联系.
There are multiple opportunities to work on campus through graduate assistantships and other on-campus employment options. In addition to the financial benefits of these positions, our 学生 and alumni often report on the professional and ministerial skills gained from their time as graduate assistants. Both the BC Office of 电子游戏正规平台生生活 and the BC Office of Student Services maintain listings of potential assistantships and work-study positions open to all 电子游戏软件 graduate 学生.
You must reside in Boston for a minimum of two years while working on your Ph.D.
Applicants may defer their offer of admission for up to one year. 已被录取的申请人应尽快通知招生办公室其电子游戏软件计划的任何变化. 然而,奖学金和其他经济援助奖项不能推迟. 申请人将在其电子游戏软件年度重新评估经济援助.
Yes, twenty percent of our 学生 are part-time, non-degree seeking 学生. You can take up to four CSTM 类 without having to enroll in a degree 程序. If you then decide to apply for a degree, these 类 can be credited toward your degree. If you would like to sit in on a class without fulfilling the requirements for credit, you can apply as an auditor.
Yes! Our graduate assistants in the Office of 电子游戏软件s are current 学生 who would be excited to speak with you about our 项目 and their experiences at the CSTM. You can connect with our Graduate Assistants by emailing stmadm@p8216.com or calling 617-552-6506.
Yes! CSTM welcomes 学生 from all faith traditions and backgrounds. Currently, about one quarter of our 学生 are from traditions other than Catholicism.The STM is also a proud member of the 波士顿神学跨宗教协会 (BTI). As a student at the CSTM, you are able to take up to 50% of your courses at a BTI member institution to study with 学生 in 项目 rooted in other faith traditions and to enhance your learning.
As part of student formation and our commitment to community life, 学生 are encouraged to participate in student organizations that match their interests. Students who are interested in multifaith work and interreligious dialogue may be interested in the CSTM Interreligious Engagement Group, as well as the Multifaith 项目 offered by Campus Ministry.
Yes. Degree 学生 taking at least one course for credit may do so, through the 波士顿神学跨宗教协会 (BTI), the world’s largest theological consortium. Students can cross-register at local universities that participate in the consortium, such as Harvard University and Boston University. Students may take up to 50% of their course work at a BTI school.
Absolutely. We are a vibrant community and host guests throughout the year. The 电子游戏软件s Office works to set up visit days that enable you to sit in on a class, engage with 学生 and 教师, and experience life at the school firsthand.
The English proficiency test requirement can be waived for international 学生 who qualify under the following categories:
If accepted, 并在达到财务认证要求后, 你会收到一张I-20表格, 哪个向美国提供认证.S. 政府证明你有资格获得F-1学生签证. I-20表格证明你已经达到了我们的电子游戏软件要求, 已被录取参加完整的课程学习, 并证明你有足够的资金在美国学习和生活. I-20表格在电子游戏软件期限开始前不超过90天上传到招生门户网站. 这些表格只有在你被录取后才会上传, 你确定要电子游戏软件了吗, 并提交了财务证明.
Yes! 在第一学期开始之前,每个注册学生都会与我们的一名教师进行配对,以获得学术建议. 我们的教职员工总是很高兴见到并了解他们的学生. 在CSTM,学生不仅仅是一个数字. 老师和学生一对一的交流让学生熟悉CSTM的学术生活, 来决定他们应该上什么课程, 并探索未来的选择. 学生在学习期间通常会有同一个指导老师, 这能让学生和指导老师更好地辨别学术选择.
Yes! 许多CSTM学生通过校外工作来增加收入! There are many different employment opportunities in the Boston area, 从食品服务到医院和精神卫生机构. While on-campus jobs only permit 学生 to work a maximum of 20 hours per week, 通常只在正常办公时间, 校外工作时间比较灵活,是个不错的选择.
All dual degree 学生 complete placements as part of their 程序, providing 学生 with the chance to apply their studies and build their ministerial toolbox through rich field experience.
M.A./M.S.W. 和M.A./M.A. 学生 do not complete a supervised ministry placement through the CSTM, but instead complete a field placement through their partner school. M.A./M.S.W. 学生 complete two social work field placements in 第一学年I and 第一学年II, while M.A./M.A. 学生 complete a full-year counseling practicum in the final year of their 程序. M.A./M.S.W. 和M.A./M.A. 学生 can speak with their field advisors through the School of Social Work and Lynch School of Education and Human Development to identify field placement sites that are a good fit for their unique hopes and goals as dual degree 学生.
M.A./M.B.A. 学生 do complete a supervised ministry placement through the CSTM and will complete this contextual education during the final year of their 程序. More information on contextual education for the M.A./M.B.A. 程序 can be found in the 程序 handbook.
M.A./M.Ed. 学生 do not complete a supervised ministry placement through the CSTM; their teaching position through the Urban Catholic Teacher Corps takes the place of the CSTM placement.
No formal background in theology, no problem! 所有本科专业均可考虑. 而一个强大的文科背景是有帮助的, 我们的学生来自不同的背景和学科. 尽管CSTM确实提供了一个严谨的学术环境, 它提供了大量的类, 剪裁到所有层次的神学理解和兴趣.
The GRE is optional. 如果申请人在人文学科方面没有很强的背景,或者如果他们觉得他们的本科成绩单不能表明他们在电子游戏正规平台生学习中取得成功的能力,我们建议申请人考虑提交分数.
Yes! We encourage you to attend any that are useful for your discernment!
Unfortunately, 电子游戏软件 does not provide graduate student housing. 国际学生必须为自己找一个公寓或地方住, 尽管我们在这个过程中提供了尽可能多的支持.
There are select possibilities for international priests to find housing through the Archdiocese of Boston. 电子游戏软件后将给予更多的指导.
电子游戏软件 has partnerships with a couple of local convents for religious sisters. 我们每年可以提名几个姐妹来住这个宿舍.
Dual degree 学生 receive separate financial aid packages from both schools as part of their admission decisions. 每学期,双学位学生将有一个 &“家学校" in which they are enrolled. 在那个任期内, 学生将向他们注册的学校支付学费,他们从学校收到的经济援助包将适用于该学期所修的所有学分, 不管你在那个学期是否在两所学校上课. 例如,如果M.A./M.S.W. 学生在CSTM注册,并在两所学校上课, 他们的CSTM财政援助计划将适用于该学期两所学校的学分.
For the M.A./M.S.W. 和M.A./M.A. 项目, CSTM的经济援助计划将适用于第一学年和双学位课程的两个夏季, 而另一所学校的经济援助计划将适用于双学位课程的第二学年和第三学年.
For the M.A./M.B.A. 程序, CSTM的经济援助计划将适用于第一学年, 夏天,我, 第三学年秋季学期. 卡罗尔管理学院的经济援助计划将适用于第二学年, 夏天二世, 第三学年春季学期.
For 学生 in the M.A./M.Ed. 与不列颠哥伦比亚省城市天主教教师团合作的项目, CSTM的经济援助计划将适用于第二学年及以后, 林奇学院的经济援助计划将适用于暑期一, 第一学年, 和夏天二.
If a student starts at 电子游戏软件 in one graduate 程序 and then later adds the second, 资助计划可能需要改变. 招生办公室将与每个申请人讨论具体细节. 如果你有任何问题,不要犹豫,尽管来找我!
Although CSTM is located on Brighton campus, 学生和教职员工有很多机会参加栗树山主校区的课程和讲座. 欢迎CSTM学生通过BC神学系学习课程, 位于主校区, 并且经常被邀请参加校园内的各种讲座和活动. 一年中有很多次, CSTM的教授将在主校区举办自己的讲座, 让学生有机会与更大的电子游戏软件社区互动. 参与校园事工和利用校园内不同的图书馆是两个很好的方法,可以让你更频繁地去栗山校园!
If you poll current CSTM 学生 on the car question, you’ll find about a 50/50 split. 有些人真的很想在这里有车,而另一些人则觉得太麻烦了. 无论哪种方式,在校园和波士顿周围,通常都很容易. 从电子游戏软件到波士顿市中心有公共汽车和火车,只要不到一个小时, 其间还会去几家商店和餐馆. 不列颠哥伦比亚省的班车也为学生提供了很好的服务. 它是完全免费的,在整个BC校园和周围的住宅区运行. 波士顿交通便利,很容易导航,探索起来也很有趣.
We understand the value of a strong theological education, which is why we do our best to make sure that our 学生 have opportunities for financial assistance, whether it be through scholarships, federal aid, externships, or graduate assistantships. We are pleased to offer 100% of our M.A., M.Div., 和M.T.S. 学生 some level of scholarship aid for their studies with us, all the way up to full-tuition scholarships. We do all what we can to minimize financial barriers to studying with us.
For all applicants, there is a financial aid page on the application, and we encourage you to be as detailed as possible as to why you would like to be considered for funding. Over 90% of all applicants to all 项目 receive scholarship support. If you are concerned or have questions about your financial situation, please speak with a member of the admissions 工作人员.
Please get in touch with us! We want to make sure we’ve explored all possible options to help you make studying with us a reality. Please email stmadm@p8216.com and our team will direct you to the right person!
The dual degree 程序 is a great fit for 学生 with a wide variety of interests who hope to incorporate faith and 精神上的ity into their professional and 个人 lives, 他们也把他们目前和未来在相关领域的工作视为对他们事工的呼召. 在个人层面上, 双学位对学生来说很有价值,因为它为他们提供了学术和信仰社区, 类, 实践经验根植于他们的价值观并与他们的专业相一致, 个人, 精神上的, 以及社会利益. 在专业层面上, 双学位学生配备了独特的跨学科技能,开辟了专业的可能性, 毕业生通过各种各样的领域活出他们的呼召, 或者将合作伙伴领域的镜头应用于更明确的部长设置.
Definitions vary, but BC's 程序 is committed to education from&,和 for&信仰的人生观, 以培养人们为目标,使他们能够生活在一个超越的地平线:上帝. 虽然有着鲜明的天主教和基督教传统, 我们的节目尊重对上帝的不同理解. 如其名, 该计划认真对待神学和教育,并试图将它们整合到教会和世界的服务中.
International applicants are asked to submit the following additional requirements:
Religious applicants must include their bishop or major superior (for religious orders) as recommenders for their application. This means that religious applicants must have 4 total letters of recommendation: 3 general recommenders and 1 bishop/major superior. Please select the appropriate recommendation type (general or bishop/major superior) when adding recommenders to your application.
For Jesuits: All of the CSTM’s admission procedures apply to Jesuit applicants. Before applying, international Jesuits must contact the Rector of the St. Peter Faber Jesuit 社区, Fr. Michael Boughton, S.J.
CSTM is proud to be a welcoming, inclusive environment for 学生 who identify as LGBTQ+. Gaudete, CSTM的LGBTQ+和盟友学生团体, 为员工提供安全的早午餐, 工作人员, 和学生每学期几次, 社交活动, ”+车间, 还有关于性别的年度学术聚会, 性, 和天主教神学. 最近几个月和几年, CSTM欢迎LGBTQ+社区的支持者来到校园, 包括Fr. 詹姆斯·马丁,SJ (BC STM校友)!)和美国传媒公司(America Media)的迈克·奥洛林(Mike O 'Loughlin). 我们也很高兴为LGBTQ+社区提供服务的暑期课程.
We don’t really like those labels! CSTM努力营造一种相遇和对话的文化. 我们在这里最引以为傲的一件事就是我们在多样性中的团结. 我们的学生意见不一, 教师, 和工作人员, 当我们试图代表全球教会的一个缩影时,这是我们感激的吗. 在这里,我们的首要任务是在我们的门徒之旅中彼此陪伴,并为我们服事神和教会的工作做好准备. 被标签包裹有时会损害这项工作. 我们要专注于我们的目标, 什么是服侍神的子民和神的统治的教会呢.
应用程序s at CSTM are reviewed holistically, 考虑到你档案中的所有因素. 而你以前的课程作业和标准化考试成绩将是审查的一部分, 我们不使用他们作为截止或张贴最低分数要求. 如果你在意你的分数, 请联系招生办公室,以便我们可以单独与您交谈.
An acceptable TOEFL score is 85 or above on the internet-based test. 参加考试时, 请附上CSTM的机构代码(3971),以便您的分数可以直接发送到学校. 可接受的雅思成绩是7分.笔试或网考成绩在5分或以上. 结果可以直接发送到电子游戏软件克拉夫神学院和事工学院.
The School has a canonical or ecclesiastical 教师, 这意味着它被梵蒂冈授权授予教会学位. 作为教会的教员, 我们可以提供神学学位,只有在北美的几所学校提供. 这些学位为高级神学领域提供准备, 准备学生在神学院教学和教会领导职位——无论是世俗的还是宗教的——在天主教会.
M.A., M.Div. and Th.M. (Ministerial Practice track) 学生 complete a supervised ministry placement. This can be done in a variety of settings, including hospitals, schools, universities, social services, parishes, and nonprofits. There are many placement options. There is even an opportunity to work with the supervised ministry coordinators to develop a new one.
If you are a dual degree student with the M.S.W. or M.A. in Mental Health Counseling, you will do your supervised ministry through the practicum requirement at the partner school. Dual degree 学生 are enrolled at CSTM for their first year of study, so they would meet with a placement advisor during their first year of study.
CSTM 学生 are very active! 每个学期,不同的学生团体在CSTM和校外举办活动. 例如, 在12月, 学生们主持了CSTM烘焙大赛, 鼓励CSTM的人展示他们的烘焙技能. 这些活动和其他活动都是由学生主导的, CSTM总是很高兴支持新的项目/活动来支持我们的社区.
波士顿周围也有类似的活动! 波士顿市区有许多精彩的剧院, 博物馆, 还有餐馆——乘坐公共交通很短的路程. 许多这些目的地为卑诗省学生提供免费或优惠的电子游戏软件费用. 在这个城市你永远不会感到无聊.
The CSTM is proud to offer over 20 graduate and research assistantship positions each year to incoming 学生. In addition to the financial benefits of these positions, our 学生 and alumni often report highly on the professional and ministerial skills gained from their time as graduate assistants. The majority of these positions last for one year and are reserved to support entering, first-year 学生. The application process for these positions begins during the admissions process. If you are interested in being considered for the positions we have available, make sure to indicate as such on your application form.
A master's degree in theology is required. 候选人应该由在电子游戏正规平台生阶段教过他们的教师推荐, 他们应该有很强的写作能力,并表现出对宗教教育的兴趣, 神学和教育的结合, 和/或实践神学. 有教学或事工的经验也很重要.
Each year, the CSTM awards scholarships to new 学生, supporting those candidates who have the strongest academic credentials, ministerial commitment, and greatest financial need. Most 学生 fund their studies through a combination of tuition scholarship, on-campus work, and federal student loans. 100% of master's 学生 receive scholarship support.
Take your acceptance letter, I-20形式, 银行对账单或财务证明, 和护照到最近的美国.S. 大使馆或领事馆,最好是在你的国籍国,以获得你的学生(F-1)签证. 准备好向大使馆或领事馆官员解释你的美国签证申请是如何进行的.S. 教育将关系到你在祖国的未来. 一旦你拿到了F-1签证, 你将不会被允许进入美国,直到你的课程开始日期前30天或更短的时间, 或者开始日期, 如你的I-20表格所示. 在制定去美国的旅行计划时,请仔细考虑这个日期.
Yes, but you would need to take an education-oriented approach to that subdiscipline that considers not only how to understand it, but also how to teach it effectively. If you are interested solely in the study of systematic theology, Scripture, ethics, or another area, BC's Department of Theology in the Morrissey College of Arts & Sciences offers a Ph.D. in theology.
Perhaps one of the best things about CSTM is the tight-knit community environment that the school offers both inside and outside of the classroom. 我们星期四的“午餐和礼拜仪式”就是这个承诺的最好体现。. Every Thursday, 学生, 教员, 和教职员应邀参加在圣. 伊格内修斯教堂, 它位于Simboli大厅(CSTM的主教学楼)的山下。. 弥撒结束后,每个人都被邀请回到Simboli大厅,享受学校提供的简单膳食. 这让每个人都有机会在课堂外进行更深层次的聊天和互动,同时享受一起吃面包的乐趣.
The BTI is a consortium of graduate theological schools in the Boston area, 近年来, 该财团已经开始在新英格兰地区扩张. CSTM在BTI的成员资格创造了通过会议进行普世和宗教间对话的机会, 讲座, 和cross-registration. CSTM学生可以在BTI成员机构学习多达50%的课程. BTI每两周发送一份时事通讯,让学生了解其成员学校发生的事件.
The application fee is $75. We provide fee waivers for Jesuits, current CSTM 学生, veterans, individuals completing a year of service with a Catholic Volunteer Network 程序, and individuals who are Pell Grant-eligible. If any of these situations apply to you, please reach out to the 电子游戏软件s Office at stmadm@p8216.com.
Although housing is on the forefront of everyone’s mind, it is not as stressful as it seems! 电子游戏软件 does not offer on-campus housing for graduate 学生, 但是提供了充足的工具,使学生能够在当地找到舒适的住房. Through the off-campus housing portal, 学生可以创建一个个人资料,列出他们的需求,并浏览可用的公寓. 另一个很好的资源是CSTM 脸谱网 Group! 当前和毕业的CSTM学生经常发布空置的房间或公寓,他们希望将其传递给即将到来的CSTM学生. Joining the CSTM student page can be a very helpful tool once you confirm your attendance!
The 克拉夫神学与事工学院 is one school housed within the larger university of 电子游戏软件. 通过CSTM,学生可以攻读神学和事工方面的不同学位. BC神学系位于电子游戏软件栗子山校区的莫里西艺术与科学学院. The focus of the Theology Department is the Ph.D. 神学(圣经电子游戏正规平台、道德神学、系统神学、历史和比较). 两所学校的学生都被允许并鼓励在系或CSTM上课. 课程的可能性是无限的.
CSTM is committed to the theological and 精神上的 education of lay, religious, and clerical leaders in the context of their vocational goals. We currently have a 95% placement rate six months after graduation (and 100% for master’s graduates!). Graduates serve in many different fields, including serving as: campus ministers, college/university 教师, hospital or hospice chaplains, social workers, school teachers, publishers, healthcare coordinators, 精神上的 directors, and more. Some continue graduate education in doctoral 项目 at leading universities throughout the country while others choose to pursue further studies in different disciplines, including attending medical or law school.
Higher education in the United States is expensive. 然而, CSTM很荣幸能颁发学费助学金, 以及电子游戏正规平台生和电子游戏正规平台助理的机会, 致国际学生, 视情况而定, 帮助他们减轻经济负担. 考虑, 学生必须参加学位课程, 并应表现出模范的学习成绩和个人潜力. 学生们应该意识到, 即使获得学费补助, 他们仍然必须获得支持来支付他们的生活费用. 不幸的是,那些不是美国公民的人无法获得联邦贷款.S. 公民或永久居民.
All international 学生 must show that they have sufficient funds or resources to pay for their tuition and living expenses during the course of their studies, 是否以奖学金的形式提供支持, 奖助金, 或者来自宗教团体或个人银行账户的支持. 申请人不需要在申请中提供足够资源的证明. 一旦被录取,招生办公室将发送一份表格,您可以在其中记录资源.
The city of Boston and its surrounding communities offer an array of housing options. Although the CSTM does not offer on-campus housing, we do all that we can to provide support throughout the process, including helping 学生 find roommates and local listings. 电子游戏软件 is located 6 miles from downtown Boston, so many CSTM 学生 live closer to campus where rents can be less expensive than in the center of the city.
Graduate 学生 are also welcome to apply to be Resident Assistants for 电子游戏软件.
Applicants looking to start in the fall semester who submit their application by the priority deadline in January can expect an admissions decision by mid-February. 奖学金与录取决定同时发布. 以确保您的申请将被考虑为最大数量的经济援助机会, 并允许一个有效的处理和考虑过程, 请在您的申请状态页面上确认您的申请已完成所有申请材料.
For applications received after the priority deadline, 对于春季和夏季的申请, 你的申请可能需要长达3周的时间来审核并做出决定. 当一个决定准备好了, 您将收到一封电子邮件,表示电子游戏正规平台已发布到您的应用程序门户. 如果您在审核过程中有任何疑问, 请不要犹豫与招生办公室联系.
Lots of places—you can find us on Twitter, Instagram, 通过我们的社交媒体账号和脸谱网, @bcstm, 我们经常在哪里分享新闻, 项目, 以及特别的帖子,比如我们的“CSTM的人类”系列.