同时沉浸在神学和事工中是什么意思? 我们平衡理论和实践, 将神学作为一门学科和一种个人追求-在智力上和强烈的反思中参与其中-同时与积极的事工联系起来,使我们的学生成为世界和教会变革的推动者.
通过我们的项目, 对信仰与理性之间紧密关系的探索是在开放与合作的精神下进行的, 深入接触丰富的基督教传统是在所有神学领域寻求.
CSTM提供了许多学位课程,为学生在我们社区的不同部门做准备, 那里是耶稣会士和其他被批准进行圣职电子游戏正规平台的候选人的家, 从事植根于信仰的非专业教会事工和服务的男女, 以及为学术生涯做准备的学者.
CSTM致力于为任何有兴趣探索当今教会重要问题的人提供专业发展和持续的培育机会. 我们提供工作坊, 讲座, 和课程,以适应各种兴趣和日程安排与一天, 晚上, 周末, 以及学年期间提供的在线课程, 在夏季举办一到两周的课程.
学生通常在夏季参加校内课程, 当有校内住房时, 利用秋季和春季的在线课程.
这种灵活的18学分证书可以包括学年的组合, 夏天, 或者在线服务. 该证书也可以完全在线完成.
CSTM十字路口提供非学分的精神充实和信仰电子游戏正规平台课程. 我们的课程促进对话和参与,增进理解,鼓励个人在信仰上的成长.
Formacion连续提供完全以西班牙语授课的跨学科和跨文化课程, 帮助说西班牙语的人加深他们作为基督徒的成长.
电子游戏软件是世界一流的神学电子游戏正规平台中心, 包括克拉夫神学院和事工学院(CSTM)以及莫里西艺术与科学学院的神学系. 每个学院的学生都可以接触到两个学院的课程和教师,从而提高了BC大学神学电子游戏正规平台的广度和深度. 加起来,CSTM和神学系代表了全国最大的神学系.
CSTM拥有神学和事工方面的硕士和证书课程, 以及一系列教会学位(STB), STL, 和性病)和跨学科的博士学位.D. 在神学和教育方面.
神学系设有大学的神学本科和博士课程,以及联合硕士学位.A. 哲学与神学.
“每个教室的核心都是学习者群体, 由学生和老师组成的社区. 在一起, 这个社区的成员利用传统的智慧, 他们所处的时代和地点的挑战, 最重要的是,彼此的见解. 有效的学习离不开有效的生活, 在世界上体现圣灵的恩典, 神学所依赖的.”
虚拟生活的旅行, Una oferta de formación, 这是数字, Formación连续不断地向世界展示我们的生活.
The dual degree programs offered at 电子游戏软件 are academically rigorous, 但对于一个对两个电子游戏正规平台领域都非常感兴趣的学生来说,这是可行的. The dual degree programs are a bit longer than the programs offered at the CSTM, 结果是三年的连续学习(如果你独立完成两个学位,他们需要四年的时间), 但是有多个支持网络可以帮助指导你完成整个过程和课程要求.
You must reside in Boston for a minimum of two years while working on your Ph.D.
Yes. Degree students taking at least one course for credit may do so, through the 波士顿神学跨宗教协会 (BTI), the world’s largest theological consortium. Students can cross-register at local universities that participate in the consortium, such as Harvard University and Boston University. Students may take up to 50% of their course work at a BTI school.
Yes! 在第一学期开始之前,每个注册学生都会与我们的一名教师进行配对,以获得学术建议. 我们的教职员工总是很高兴见到并了解他们的学生. 在CSTM,学生不仅仅是一个数字. 老师和学生一对一的交流让学生熟悉CSTM的学术生活, 来决定他们应该上什么课程, 并探索未来的选择. 学生在学习期间通常会有同一个指导老师, 这能让学生和指导老师更好地辨别学术选择.
All dual degree students complete placements as part of their program, providing students with the chance to apply their studies and build their ministerial toolbox through rich field experience.
M.A./M.S.W. and M.A./M.A. students do not complete a supervised ministry placement through the CSTM, but instead complete a field placement through their partner school. M.A./M.S.W. students complete two social work field placements in Academic Year II and Academic Year III, while M.A./M.A. students complete a full-year counseling practicum in the final year of their program. M.A./M.S.W. and M.A./M.A. students can speak with their field advisors through the School of Social Work and Lynch School of Education and Human Development to identify field placement sites that are a good fit for their unique hopes and goals as dual degree students.
M.A./M.B.A. students do complete a supervised ministry placement through the CSTM and will complete this contextual education during the final year of their program. More information on contextual education for the M.A./M.B.A. program can be found in the program handbook.
M.A./M.Ed. students do not complete a supervised ministry placement through the CSTM; their teaching position through the Urban Catholic Teacher Corps takes the place of the CSTM placement.
Definitions vary, but BC's program is committed to education from and for a faith perspective on life, 以培养人们为目标,使他们能够生活在一个超越的地平线:上帝. 虽然有着鲜明的天主教和基督教传统, 我们的节目是尊重对上帝的不同理解. 如其名, 该计划认真对待神学和教育,并试图将它们整合到教会和世界的服务中.
M.A., M.Div. and Th.M. (Ministerial Practice track) students complete a supervised ministry placement. This can be done in a variety of settings, including hospitals, schools, universities, social services, parishes, and nonprofits. There are many placement options. There is even an opportunity to work with the supervised ministry coordinators to develop a new one.
If you are a dual degree student with the M.S.W. or M.A. in Mental Health Counseling, you will do your supervised ministry through the practicum requirement at the partner school. Dual degree students are enrolled at CSTM for their first year of study, so they would meet with a placement advisor during their first year of study.
A master's degree in theology is required. 候选人应该由在电子游戏正规平台生阶段教过他们的教师推荐, 他们应该有很强的写作能力,并表现出对宗教教育的兴趣, 神学和教育的结合, 和/或实践神学. 有教学或事工的经验也很重要.
Yes, but you would need to take an education-oriented approach to that subdiscipline that considers not only how to understand it, but also how to teach it effectively. If you are interested solely in the study of systematic theology, Scripture, ethics, or another area, BC's Department of Theology in the Morrissey College of Arts & Sciences offers a Ph.D. in theology.
The BTI is a consortium of graduate theological schools in the Boston area, 近年来, 该财团已经开始在新英格兰地区扩张. CSTM在BTI的成员资格创造了通过会议进行普世和宗教间对话的机会, 讲座, 和cross-registration. CSTM学生可以在BTI成员机构学习多达50%的课程. BTI每两周发送一份时事通讯,让学生了解其成员学校发生的事件.
The 克拉夫神学与事工学院 is one school housed within the larger university of 电子游戏软件. 通过CSTM,学生可以攻读神学和事工方面的不同学位. BC神学系位于电子游戏软件栗子山校区的莫里西艺术与科学学院. The focus of the Theology Department is the Ph.D. 神学(圣经电子游戏正规平台、道德神学、系统神学、历史和比较). 两所学校的学生都被允许并鼓励在系或CSTM上课. 课程的可能性是无限的.
一组资源在您的指尖:浏览我们的300,涵盖天主教神学的5000卷藏书, 教会法, Jesuitica, 以及介于两者之间的一切, 参加展览或现场活动在我们的中庭画廊, 或者预定一间私人书房.